Bienvenidos al Hospital del Alma

“La gente dice que caminar sobre agua es un milagro. Pero para mí, el caminar en paz sobre la Tierra es el verdadero milagro”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Psicología Mística es el espacio para la Alquimia; donde se abre la posibilidad de transmutar el sufrimiento que la mente produce, en claridad y paz en el corazón.

Es la integración de mi propia concepción de la psicología con la espiritualidad, integrando y reconciliando el abordaje científico de años de experiencia con la omnipresente guía espiritual, la cual está a disposición de todas aquellas almas que eligen expandir su consciencia, transcender la auto-limitación de la mente y sumergirse en el océano sanador de Dios.

Es también la manifestación y representación de mi camino personal hacia la sanación, la Verdad y la Liberación.

Su misión y compromiso es apoyar a otros a elevar la consciencia - mientras continúo expandiendo la mía - y contribuir a reducir el sufrimiento que el ego crea y percibe como real, ofreciendo un espacio seguro y compasivo para la introspección y el cuestionamiento profundo de lo que verdaderamente significa SER humanos.


Ha vivido y trabajado en Latinoamérica, Europa y Asia expuesta a una gran diversidad de culturas, tradiciones, religiosidades y maravillosas filosofías de vida que la transformaron y llevaron a confirmar que somos UNIDAD DIVINA en esencia, en amor y consciencia; parte inseparable de la misma Creación e inteligencia universal.

Sus terapias energéticas fusionan el conocimiento y la sabiduría tanto de Oriente come del Occidente.

Su naturaleza y su práctica constante es el silencio y la contemplación…

  • Cuando empecé mi búsqueda de un/a Maestro/a Reiki en Singapur, estaba llena de dudas sobre mis capacidades y si sería capaz de empezar esta formación. El Universo me mandó a Gauri. Tuvimos enseguida una gran conexión, que hoy va más allá de una relación de maestra/estudiante; una amistad sincera se ha creado. Gauri me hizo descubrir los diferentes niveles de Reiki Usui, respetando la tradición de la enseñanza y añadiendo su experiencia personal. Consiguió darme el empujón que necesitaba para confiar en mí y para eso le estaré siempre agradecida de corazón. Nuestro encuentro ha cambiado mi vida. Todo lo que hace Gauri tanto profesional como personalmente está hecho desde el corazón, y eso no tiene precio. Gracias por todo.

    Elena del Río, España

  • Gauri es una maga, maestra y sanadora: sana y siempre se aprende y se evoluciona a su lado! Es un privilegio que sea parte de mi vida. Gracias por SER y por ESTAR.

    John Walter, Costa Rica

  • The moment you meet her, your healing journey begins; it doesn't matter if this magic and decisive encounter is in a casual Reiki share, in a formal workshop, in a Yin Yoga class... or in a bus.

    KK, Singapore

  • Gauri is a passionate teacher who willingly shares her extensive knowledge of Reiki, meditation and self care with me. During a period of personal difficulty last year, I am extremely thankful for Gauri who went all out to organise online counselling sessions as well as Reiki attunement that helped/healed me tremendously to regain self-esteem and to walk out of a low point in my life.

    Wee WS, Singapore

  • I once resisted signing up for a writing course that I really wanted to do. The problem was, I told Gauri, the hefty price tag. Sitting opposite me, Gauri looked me in the eye and said, “No. The problem is you don’t think you’re worth it.” She’s right. (And I did sign up for the course.) That’s Gauri: intuitive and insightful. Also generous, humble and curious, the best type of teacher who encourages her students to grow independently of her and who keeps evolving. More than once, she has drastically changed the course of her path to obey her inner calling and stay true to herself; she has sat with her shadows, in deep pain. A therapist can only take the client as far as depths she herself has gone to, and because of the honest inner work Gauri has done, she is the perfect therapist to travel deep with, someone to hold you to your path - provided you’re ready.

    Yuhan, Singapore

  • Gauri has an astonishing spiritual intelligence, she doesn't only read your words or your body language, she reads your suffering and she sees your powers. She accompanies you all the way the healing path, and hold your hand every time you stumble or even fall. Whether or not one believes in magic, the healing path with Gauri will be full of it, and no matter what brought you to her, one day you will open your eyes and just as by magic you will feel fine again.

    Ana, Argentina

  • Gauri's words are sometimes feathers, sometimes arrows. She will tell you what you don't want to hear but what you certainly need to hear, specially when you have cancer and every day counts. And perhaps you won't realize those wise words until years later -as I did - but they will leave an imprint in your soul.

    Suhair, India

  • Gauri is graceful, compassionated and generous - in all possible ways. It has been a privilege to be her meditation student during a very challenging time. She was able to bring back the clarity I needed to continue my cancer treatments with a totally different perception.

    Rei, Singapore

  • Gauri siempre me ha inspirado por su transparencia y honestidad; su vida es un libro abierto... ella es su propio testimonio.

    Felicia, México

  • In my Reiki I class my teacher Laura/Gauri introduced me to the world of the Reiki energy healing technique. Her class was very systematic and interactive which to me is very important. She is admirably competent, experienced and well prepared. Never did she get tired to answer any of my many questions. Applying Reiki to myself has helped me reducing stress at work and relaxing more.

    Christian, Switzerland

  • I feel immensely grateful and honoured to have Gauri’s presence in my life for a number of years. She embodies a rare combination of calmness, inspiration, and deep understanding that immediately puts those around her at ease. As a yoga teacher, reiki master, and psychologist, she brings a well-rounded and holistic approach to her practice, seamlessly integrating physical, energetic, and mental well-being. Her spiritual intuition and insight is incorporated into tangible, practical wisdom that goes beyond the surface. When she is with you, it is evident that she not only sees you but also feels your essence, creating a space where authenticity and self-exploration can flourish. I wholeheartedly recommend Gauri to anyone seeking a compassionate and knowledgeable companion on their journey toward self-discovery and well-being.

    Jennifer, Singapore

  • Mi experiencia con Gauri ha sido muy inspiradora. Con una mente abierta me inicié en el estudio y la práctica del Reiki y en poco tiempo adquirí el nivel I. En momentos difíciles e importantes de mi vida el Reiki ha sido instrumental para el logro y éxito de muchas de mis metas personales, sobre todo con los métodos de sanación a distancia los cuales tuvieron excelentes resultados.

    Simon, Suiza

  • Dear Gauri, my deepest gratitude for your always unconditional love to share and to guide. The basic Reiki I and Reiki II have been a life transforming experience. The possibility to know and explore other dimensions of my soul has giving me a clear understanding of the real sense and purpose of healing and a clarity about my mission and purpose in life. Knowing that Reiki is a sacred instrument to better serve humanity is something to be grateful for forever. I am humbled and blessed to have had the opportunity to explore the path of Reiki under your guidance and knowledge. My Love, Respect and Gratitude to you.

    Julia, USA

  • Laura es una persona extraordinaria, su alma está llena de paz y amor. Tener el honor de llamarla mi guía y amiga no tiene comparación alguna. Su virtud por escuchar y poner atención al detalle es lo que la hace especial y la separan de las demás personas. Su deseo por progresar espiritualmente es insaciable y la mantienen en crecimiento constante. No me cabe duda alguna que bajo su guía, puedas alcanzar lo que tanto anhelas.

    Maureen, Costa Rica

  • Gauri es una guía excepcional en el camino del Reiki. Llevé con ella Usui Reiki 1 y 2. Su empatía y profunda intuición crean un ambiente de sanación genuina. Estoy agradecida por su paciencia y profesionalismo en mi viaje hacia la sanación. ¡Gracias por toda la inspiración, Gauri!

    Aurora, Perú

  • Gauri is a very gifted teacher and friend I am blessed with. Her gentle demeanour is captivating, very approachable. Her compassionate nature and generosity is something not many have in today's fast-paced, material-oriented society. Her healing listening , supporting nature is always there to hold a safe space when needed. She is patient, poised & passionate in what she does and so gifted. Her presence itself is very inspiring and healing.

    Shraddha, Singapore